Seven habits of
Seven habits of

Make it actionable (Shortform note: While this was the intention, many of the habits and strategies are still abstract.Alternatively, in Awaken the Giant Within, Tony Robbins asserts that changing your perspective requires reprogramming your neuro-associations-good or bad feelings linked to people and situations based on your past experiences.) The Tool: HabitsĬovey distills his advice into habits in order to: James Allen argues in As A Man Thinkeththat problems arise from negative thinking, so you should think positively to improve your perspective and reality.


(Shortform note: Covey doesn’t specify how to change your perspectives. Taking this a step further, your behaviors determine your outcomes, which collectively shape your life.

seven habits of

Your perspectives impact how you interpret situations, and your interpretations dictate your behavior thus, changing your perspective changes your behavior. The Method: Shifting PerspectivesĬovey writes that changing your behaviors and your life requires you to change your paradigms, or perspectives. (Shortform note: In the evolution of self-help books, 7 Habits takes a character-focused approach to self-improvement-changing perspective and motivation in order to alter behavior-amid a sea of behavior-focused self-help classics like How to Win Friends and Influence People, which share practical tips to conduct yourself differently.) The Habits: Defining the Approach and Goalīefore we dive into the habits, let’s examine Covey’s approach and goal for readers who adopt the seven habits.

  • Habit 6: Collaborate to Create PossibilitiesĬollectively, Covey’s seven habits help you to examine and adjust your character, your motives, and how you see the world in order to become more effective both personally and professionally.
  • Habit 5: Listen and Understand the Other First.
  • Habit 3: Prioritize Important Over Urgent.
  • Rather than small, daily actions like brushing your teeth, these habits are patterns of thinking and acting that represent a broader approach to life. Covey distills timeless wisdom into seven lifelong practices for building a successful, fulfilling life.

    seven habits of

    In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. 1-Page Summary 1-Page Book Summary of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

    Seven habits of